
  • Tatiana S. Gubareva Water Problems Institute RAS, Moscow, Russia
  • Boris I. Gartsman Water Problems Institute RAS, Moscow, Russia
  • Ludmila E. Efimova Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
  • Pavel N. Tersky Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
  • Pelagia A. Belyakova Water Problems Institute RAS, Moscow, Russia
  • Alena A. Kazachuk Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

+ Keywords

geographical water sources, EMMA-model, principal component analysis, chemical tracers, water of swamp deposits, catchment, hydrochemical observations

+ Abstract

Using the mixing model (EMMA) and hydrological and hydrochemical data, the geographical water sources for the Velesa river were identified and their quantitative assessment was made. They are: valdai super-moraine aquatic and lake-glacial aquifer water, swamp water, atmospheric precipitation water. EMMA-model results demonstrate the seasonal dynamics features of water sources in the period May 2017 – June 2018. Water of the super-moraine and lake-glacier aquifer are significant river runoff component constantly operating during year. Its proportion during the spring flood of 2018 is about 20%; its proportion in the periods following the spring flood is higher – in 2017 – 31%, in 2018 – 38%. Significant proportion of atmospheric precipitation waters is observed in the winter period of 2017 – up to 30%, it is due to excessive humidity of the catchment as a result of abnormal liquid precipitation and non-typical meteorological conditions in the first half winter period of 2017. The maximum proportion of atmospheric water (up to 60%) is occur during warm periods after a spring floods in 2017 and 2018. Antecedent watershed moistening and precipitation during the survey periods were the main reasons for the high proportion value. Atmospheric precipitation coming as a result of infiltration into the vadoze zone without significant transformation of their chemical composition (temporary perched water) is discharged into the river by a subsurface flow path. Swamp water is prevailed in river water during the spring flood – 46%, its proportion is also high during the winter period – up to 35%, and in early summer periods – decline to zero.

+ Author Biographies

+ References

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How to Cite

Tatiana S. Gubareva, Boris I. Gartsman, Ludmila E. Efimova, Pavel N. Tersky, Pelagia A. Belyakova, & Alena A. Kazachuk. (2023). IDENTIFICATION AND QUANTIFICATION OF GEOGRAPHICAL WATER SOURCES IN A SWAMP CATCHMENT IN THE ZAPADNAYA DVINA RIVER BASIN. Hydrosphere. Hazard Processes and Phenomena, 4(2), 183–201.



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