
  • Andrey I. Gessen Snow-avalanche station of the RCDM of the East Siberian Railway, Irkutsk, Russia
  • Victor P. Gulevich Baikal Search and Rescue Team of EMERCOM of Russia, Nicola, Irkutsk region Russia
  • Yuri G. Seliverstov Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

+ Keywords

large avalanches, genetic types, snow winters, avalanche classification, recrystallization of the snow column, winter typing, exceptionally snowy winters, prevailing types of avalanches

+ Abstract

The problems of using terminology in determining the exclusivity of registered avalanches are considered. The names "giant", "sporadic", "extreme", "especially large", "catastrophic", etc. are used to describe both the volumes and geometrical parameters of avalanches from the zones of origin to the zones of deposition, and their range of ejection. Each author puts his own meaning into the definitions used, but at the same time they all note the exclusivity of the conditions leading to the descent of such avalanches. The results of the work performed by the authors show the ambiguity of such statements and present their proposals for the unification of the use of terms. Based on the analysis of long-term observations of the conditions for the formation of avalanches in the Baikal Ridge (BAM zone), they were typified by volume, including the following gradations:

"small" (up to 1 thousand m3);

"medium" (from 1 to 10 thousand m3);

"large" (from 10 to 100 thousand m3) and

"especially large" (more than 100 thousand m3).

The use of this typification made it possible to determine the features of the formation of avalanches in the mountains of the Northern Baikal region. It has been established that the recrystallization of the snow mass, which was previously considered the leading factor in avalanche formation in the region, is only an additional factor that primarily determines the size of avalanches, and not the reasons for their descent. The winters in the Northern Baikal region were typified by snowiness using modulus coefficients, calculated as the deviation of the total precipitation for specific winters relative to the long-term average values.

+ Author Biographies

Andrey I. Gessen, Snow-avalanche station of the RCDM of the East Siberian Railway, Irkutsk, Russia

eLibrary (РИНЦ)




Victor P. Gulevich, Baikal Search and Rescue Team of EMERCOM of Russia, Nicola, Irkutsk region Russia

eLibrary (РИНЦ)


Scopus ID

Прочие (WoS, Researcher ID)




IstinaResearcherID (IRID): 342481233


Yuri G. Seliverstov, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

eLibrary (РИНЦ)


Scopus ID

Прочие (WoS, Researcher ID)




IstinaResearcherID (IRID): 589526


+ References

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How to Cite

Andrey I. Gessen, Victor P. Gulevich, & Yuri G. Seliverstov. (2023). LARGE AVALANCHES AND FEATURES OF THEIR FORMATION IN THE MOUNTAINS OF THE NORTHERN BAIKAL REGION. Hydrosphere. Hazard Processes and Phenomena, 4(3), 288–297.