The role of various factors in the arctic growth of climate warming


  • Vladimir F. Loginov Institute of Nature Management of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

+ Keywords

rate of climate warming, atmospheric circulation, albedo bonds, heat inflows, interlatitudinal air exchange

+ Abstract

An exceptionally possible role of various risk factors for the Arctic risk of climate warming in the country. The temperature growth rate in high latitudes (70–90° N) decreases from 0.03° (June) to 0.23° (October). The average temperature rise at high latitude for the period from October to April, when the Arctic Ocean was covered with ice in the context of the current climate warming (1990–2022), is 4.2°C.
A positive albedo relationship was found in patients with an increased risk of temperature increase. Approximately two-thirds of the temperature recurrence in the recovery months of the year can be explained by changes in latent heat inflows due to growth prospects. They reach the maximum values in quantity. Significant inflows of hidden income fall on the cold season. In the restoration of the months of the year, as shown in the work of G.V. Alekseev [Alekseev, Harlanenkova, Vyazilova, 2023], forms an active air exchange between the polar latitudes and breaks up into parts of the Northern Hemisphere.

The maximum rate of temperature increase in the period from 1990 to 2022 in October, exceeding the average annual growth rate by 1.7 times, is associated with increased latent heat inflows from the Arctic Ocean into the atmosphere. In the high latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere, the maximum rate of temperature increase was found in the month of May (end of autumn). It is also associated with an increase in turbulent flows of latent heat from the Southern Ocean into the atmosphere. The maximum rate of temperature increase in the Southern Hemisphere also occurs in autumn one month later than in the Northern Hemisphere.

The paper shows the shift of maximum temperature growth rates in the northern polar cap to August-November, and in the southern one to March-May (autumn of the Southern Hemisphere). A similar shift in the maximum growth rates was previously found in the latitudinal zone 30–65° N.

+ Author Biographies

Vladimir F. Loginov, Institute of Nature Management of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Chief Researcher of Institute for Environmental Management

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2023-12-13 — Updated on 2023-12-13


How to Cite

Loginov, V. F. (2023). The role of various factors in the arctic growth of climate warming. Hydrosphere. Hazard Processes and Phenomena, 5(1), 34–58.



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