Invasions of thermophilic aquatic vegetation as a threat of an emergency situation at nuclear power facilities


  • Antonina L. Suzdaleva National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute"
  • Viktor N. Beznosov Scientific and Industrial Research Association “Gidrotehproekt”

+ Keywords

NPP cooling pond, biological interference, water hyacinth, water lettuce, giant salvinia

+ Abstract

At present, there is a high risk of invasion of a number of types of thermophilic floating vegetation into the nuclear power plant cooling pond. The greatest dangers are water hyacinth, water lettuce and giant salvinia. The massive development of these plants in water bodies of many countries has already caused catastrophic consequences. They are included in the international and national lists of the most dangerous aquatic weeds. As a result of rapid reproduction these species are able to cover the entire surface of the water body in a short time. This creates serious biological interference in the operation of water supply systems, hinders navigation, leads to the destruction of aquatic ecosystems. According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, such events should be considered as emergencies of regional and interregional scale. Particularly dangerous is the invasion of water hyacinth and other above-mentioned species into the NPP cooling pond. Their massive development will inevitably lead to a decrease in heat transfer at the water-air border, as well as clogging of water intake grids and filters.  This will create a risk of an accident as a result of overheating of power units. Under the existing conditions, it is almost impossible to prevent the invasion of floating vegetations into NPP cooling ponds. The real way to prevent an emergency situation is the arrangement of monitoring, as well as the preventive development of chemical control means and mechanical destruction of floating vegetation.

+ Author Biographies

Antonina L. Suzdaleva, National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute"

doctor of biological sciences, full professor, professor "National research university "Moscow power engineering institute", E-library: spin 2352-6183, author ID 70718; ORCID: 0000-0001-7673-1967; Scopus: 6507201491.

Viktor N. Beznosov, Scientific and Industrial Research Association “Gidrotehproekt”

doctor of biological sciences,

E-library: spin 4763-6112, author ID 70722; ORCID 0000-0002-5878-0252; Scopus 6602408849.

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How to Cite

Suzdaleva, A. L., & Beznosov, V. N. (2024). Invasions of thermophilic aquatic vegetation as a threat of an emergency situation at nuclear power facilities. Hydrosphere. Hazard Processes and Phenomena, 5(3), 264–277.



Ecological problems and hazards in the hydrosphere