Dynamics of downcutting and accumulation in river valleys of the Volga basin during the Late Pleniglacial


  • Vadim Yu. Ukraintsev Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Andrei L. Zakharov Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences


+ Keywords

Oldest Dryas, Pleniglacial, Late Glacial Period, large paleochannel, macromeander

+ Abstract

Large paleochannels are ancient river channels preserved in the landscape of river floodplains, the dimensions of which significantly exceed the proportions of modern channels of the same rivers. Their parameters and morphology indicate that they were formed during periods of heightened water runoff. The large paleochannels of the Volga basin may have significant implications for the dynamics of the Caspian shoreline in past. This paper presents results of the drilling, dating, and study of the large paleochannels in different parts within the Volga basin. The channel alluvium of large paleochannels is underlain by thick units of sediments filling deep incisions. Dating of these deposits showed that in the Middle Weichselian time, river valleys were deep-incisioned, and at the end of this epoch and in the first half of the Late Weichselian time, these deep incisions were filled. According to geodetic survey data, the true altitude of modern and ancient alluvium tops was established. Although during the formation of large paleochannels, the rivers of the Volga basin must have incised due to increased runoff, often the top of the channel alluvium of large paleochannels is located above the top of the modern channel alluvium, which formed at the lower runoff volume. This is explained by the fact that modern rivers inherited the grade lines from the late Weichselian ones; at the end of the epoch with high fluvial activity, only a part of the rivers adapted their grade to decreased runoff.

+ Author Biographies

Vadim Yu. Ukraintsev, Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences

Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia (engineer);

SPIN: 8696-5420

ORCID: 0000-0002-3255-613X

AuthorID: 57348046400

Andrei L. Zakharov, Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences

Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia (researcher)

SPIN: 8961-3508

ORCID: 0000-0002-0228-5172

ResearcherID: ABH-9330-2020

AuthorID: 57188991679

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How to Cite

Ukraintsev, V. Y., & Zakharov, A. L. (2024). Dynamics of downcutting and accumulation in river valleys of the Volga basin during the Late Pleniglacial . Hydrosphere. Hazard Processes and Phenomena, 5(2), 147–159. https://doi.org/10.34753/HS.2023.5.2.147