
  • Tatiana А. Vinogradova Saint Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia; Scientific and Industrial Research Association Gidrotehproekt, Valday, Russia
  • Alexey Yu. Vinogradov Scientific and Industrial Research Association Gidrotehproekt, Valday, Russia; Saint Petersburg State Forest Technical University, St. Petersburg, Russia


+ Keywords

fundamental (theoretical) hydrology, practical hydrology, field hydrology, engineering hydrology, hydrometeorological survey

+ Abstract

The proposed article relates to the philosophy of a specific scientific discipline – hydrology. It is based on the ideology of Yuri Borisovich Vinogradov, whose students and followers we are. The article is based on his conversations, records, a huge heritage. The aim of this study is an attempt to draw attention to such an important and relevant issue as the correspondence of modern theoretical developments in hydrology and their application in practical hydrology.

It is shown that at this stage, hydrology is seen more as a technology than a science. A positive image of the results of research in the field of hydrology creates a technological rather than professional level of performance. The paper assesses the state of modern applied hydrology; new concepts of applied hydrology. The tasks of operational hydrology, forecasting hydrological phenomena and processes are considered. The main questions of hydrology are posed - calculations of the formation of river flow. New generation hydrology should prevail over traditional hydrology. This should be manifested in the achievement of the true adequacy of our modeling systems to nature. The danger of simplification of natural phenomena and processes, which is traditionally used in calculation methods in hydrology, is considered. The article addresses general issues regarding the future of hydrology and the hydrometeorological observation system. The first feature of the new system will be the use of fundamentally new devices and installations. These devices should make a revolution in the hydrometeorological fundamental and applied science. Give greater accuracy to measurements of observed hydrometeorological parameters in time and space. Now, to simulate runoff formation, the calculated time interval is equal to days. In the future, observations should be made at intervals of averaging from minutes to hours.

+ Author Biographies

Tatiana А. Vinogradova, Saint Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia; Scientific and Industrial Research Association Gidrotehproekt, Valday, Russia

E-mail: vinograd1950@mail.ru
eLibrary (РИНЦ) SPIN-код: 
Scopus ID: 

Alexey Yu. Vinogradov, Scientific and Industrial Research Association Gidrotehproekt, Valday, Russia; Saint Petersburg State Forest Technical University, St. Petersburg, Russia

E-mail: gd@npogtp.ru
eLibrary (РИНЦ) SPIN-код: 3692-8409
Scopus ID: 56909443300
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6834-2507

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How to Cite

Tatiana А. Vinogradova, & Alexey Yu. Vinogradov. (2020). HYDROLOGY: RELATION BETWEEN THEORETICAL AND APPLIED HYDROLOGY. Hydrosphere. Hazard Processes and Phenomena, 2(2), 102–111. https://doi.org/10.34753/HS.2020.2.2.102



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